When we take a hike, a long swim, an enjoyable bike ride our minds wander in much the same way they do in our dreams. It is in this state we are most likely to solve both personal and academic problems. In our days as hunters this is when we were at our most crafty - looking for dinner! Or as a weaver back at camp the meditative quality of weaving is when we may have solved social problems. So how does this tie into questions of corporate sanity?
In modern corporations workers are "human resources" and treated as disposable - work 'em hard, wear 'em out, replace 'em mentality. I'm pretty sure it was the same deal when the pyramids were built/railroads were laid. Thing is, in our modern age we live and die by our creativity (which is the same thing as intelligence). So...
If you as a corporation rely on your workers ingenuity, creativity, kindness and diplomacy... yet you treat them like slaves... give them inadequate time to exercise and socialize... you are shooting yourself in both feet.
We never evolved to work 8 -12 hours in a cubicle farm, that's why they're all texting and on reddit. Give them 4 - 5 hours desk work, 2 -3 hours enjoyable physical "work" of any kind (preferably in the open air and daylight) and see what happens. My prediction - soaring creativity in engineering/creative departments, greater accuracy in technical disciplines (workers will also sleep better), happier employees who are nicer to your customers, lower sickness rates, greater retention of skilled workers and loyalty, new grads lining up to work for you...
If you wanna be the best... be the best, what's stopping you?